- Dissolution proceedings for shared assets, termination of joint ownership, legal division of assets.
- Contractual non-compliances. Termination or execution of contract and claim for damages.
- Urban and rustic leases: resolution of all conflicts that may arise from same.
- Contract: drawing-up and analysis of all types of contracts.
- Determination of capabilities: competence, guardianship, designation of guardian and rendering of accounts.
- Determination of legal sale mandate.
- Claims for payment.
- Civil Liability claims for damages derived from Accidents and Negligence.
- Interdiction on new build, chain-of-title renewal, and registration of estates.
- Declarations of Ownership.
- Usucapio (acquisitive prescription of ownership).
- Nullity of Contracts or Pacts.
- Execution of rights in rem.
- Horizontal Property Law actions.
- Third party claims and paramount rights.
- Honorary rights over honour, privacy and one’s own image, or custody of other fundamental rights.
- Unfair competition, industrial property, intellectual property and advertising.
- General contract conditions.
- Right of first refusal, reversion, easement.